User experience = human experience

It doesn't just begin with a tap — it begins everywhere: the moment a person learns about your product from a friend or catches a glimpse of your brand while on the way to work. Make it count. I'm a product designer and creative director with 15 years of experience building SaaS, B2B, B2C products across mobile and web, most frequently using agile methodologies and working with pre-seed startups.

Principal Designer + Design Director
I help start-ups and small business launch their first mvps, products and brand experiences: from scratch. Pre-concept, pre-research, pre-wireframe, pre-seed → all the way to established and fully funded. Currently building Matter's iOS app.
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+ Head of Design
Creating and implementing new aesthetics and brand expression across products and marketing collateral, spanning any flavor of user-reach: be it social media campaigns to logos and color stories to in product copy writing that successfully accentuates a brands voice. Experimenting with new modalities to separate brands from competition, while always keeping a user-always-wins mindset. Have designed and shipped over 50 websites/apps and over a dozen mobile apps.

+ Head of Product
Helping define and craft holistic product vision while managing teams that creates human centric, accessible, and user-tested products. Partnering with stakeholders to define feature priority and executing on product roadmaps, ticketing systems, agile workflow, iterative building, and crafting exciting & engaging closed loops. Familiarity with respective languages and workflows associated with building web-apps, SaaS products, native and multi-platform mobile.
+ A Strategist
I believe deeply that elegant rule breaking sets an experience apart. In today's saturated market, where users are perpetually inundated with noise—nearly nothing stands out. My background in physics helps me set the boundaries, and my background in art helps me trespass them in exciting and fun ways. Not only for product strategy, but business strategy as well—you'll often hear me saying there is no reason to play by the rules. With a hefty backlog of SaaS and B2B experience: I'm familiar with respecting traditions while bending perspectives.
+ A Team Player
My history with start-ups means I'm fully exercised in flexible methodologies with often times remote and globally distributed teams. Within the world of managing freelancers, team-members and even outside agencies: I understand the need of coalescing varying opinions, helping stakeholders see eye-to-eye, and dissolving unforeseen tension or disagreements. Having lead design teams, while working integratively with engineers, has allowed me to encourage great work while translating and handing off complex designs and visions in consumable engineer-friendly packages.
+ Pixel Pusher
As a player-coach type, I revel in the grit of pixels and love getting my hands dirty — I'll always love sketching, wire-framing, playing with UI, animations, fun color combinations, even dabbling in photography. I use Figma, Sketch, Photoshop, After Effects, and even brave Illustrator at times. There's nothing that brings me more joy than working with folks to bring their ideas to life. 
+ Nerd / Explorer
I've been making things on the internet since Angelfire & Geocities were a thing. I'm a nerd, an absurdist at times, and possibly too sarcastic, but I love cracking jokes and making folks smile. My key phrase: we're all human. I want to make things that build upon that fact. And I want to make via various mediums & outlets...conceptually, physically, and playfully with a deep respect for all of our co-existences on this planet.
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