Matter Neuroscience

Currently building an iOS app that helps folks understand their brains, memories and emotions for longevity and happiness. Launched Testflight Beta in November 2023 and App Store ap in June 2024

Matter Neuroscience

Currently building an iOS app that helps folks understand their brains, memories and emotions for longevity and happiness. Launched Testflight Beta in November 2023 and App Store ap in June 2024

Building an iOS app that helps folks understand their brains, memories and emotions for longevity and happiness.
+ creating design and holistic product strategy for an iOS app involving complex UX that introduces and teaches users how their memories and positive emotions trigger neurotransmitter activity that ultimately improves their longevity

+ increasing conversion, decreasing drop off, introducing and optimizing features for joy, utility and education

+ design system, brand guidelines, social media posts for a new brand

+ user flows, product spec and URDs; deep engineer collaboration for ease-of-building in SwiftUI

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